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My true human identity has NOT been revealed YET. 
For anything you see on the internet about who Talker is, I sincerely hop
e you don't think its true.
I hope you have a great day!


About The Talker

     “You talk too much” is a comment I have received a lot growing up in this brutal world. Even when I was so small that I couldn’t even spell or read properly, bullies found a way to make me feel like my presence and voice were major problems. Well since no matter how much I suppress myself it's never enough for them, I’ve decided to put my talking, or “yapping” as some bullies say, to good use.

        Talker is a place where I, The Talker, use writing to help readers like you ease their lives a little bit. Whether that's through writing stories or reviews, I am here as your friend and your assistant. The Talker currently consists of 2 websites: Talker Fiction (This website) and Talker Prosetry, which are both spaces to share writing.

         For Talker Fiction, I use particularly creative writing to tell stories about various challenges and insecurities people face in life, my own experiences included. I write through the perspectives of seven fictional characters: Tay, Liam, Leif, Axil, Jabari, Dea, and Belle. All 7 of them battle adversity and various insecurities each day and have their own stories. Although the characters are fictional, the stories and experiences are not and are all based off of real life occurrences of general issues and insecurities. The stories entail both descriptions of what the characters go through, the situations they're in, and who they interact with as well as how they deal with these issues hopefully showing examples of how similar problems can be dealt with in real life as well as providing tips.

       The format is that of a traditional book but posted in a blog format with new stories showing up on the stories page every day to keep the storylines running smoothly, no waiting long periods of time for content! The opening stories for each character establish their respective situations and problems which progress as the series goes on and more problems and solutions are added, because that's how life goes in reality too, new challenges each day! 

       My goal of writing these creative pieces is to make Talker Fiction a space where readers can see a reflection of thoughts and feelings that occur in real life when they are met with challenges because there are so many people in the world who struggle with problems that disrupt their peace of mind and it’s important to accept feelings and see that there surely is a way out and it does get better.


It's the smaller issues that pile up and ruin your mental state, so my mission with Talker Fiction is to directly address those and make this a safe space to find a way to inspire you, bring out your best self, and prevent the smaller issues and challenges from holding you back!





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